
In the early 1950’s, brothers Roger and Jesse Martig began milking cows and raising crops to support their families. As time progressed, so did the small family farm. New technology led to better equipment for planting and milking, enabling Roger and Jesse to develop a competitive business. By utilizing the farm’s available resources and considering customer feedback, the business worked hard to increase product offerings.

Martig Farms Inc. first began producing wild bird seed in the early 1980’s by marketing Black Oil Sunflower Seeds; farm grown and packaged in the farm’s single warehouse facility. Their bird feed market thrived, and soon, a specialized mixing facility and storage warehouse were added to keep up with demand.

Today, Roger Martig is joined by sons Earl, Sam, Marvin and John. Collectively, they maintain Martig Farms, Inc., each a significant team member in daily business activities. The founding dairy operation is now 1,200 head with a total of 2,400 animals; agriculture now occupies several thousand acres; and the bird feed operation produces thousands of tons annually.

Martig Farms, Inc. remains an agricultural success year after year thanks to skilled practitioners, hard working employees – and just a little luck!